Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I miss you very much

As we sit here on earth
Missing the once are not here
we HOPE and we pray
That they are OK
But we still wish they were here

One more smile
One more time we want to hear
YOUR voice or YOUR laugh

we sit and we think
How much we did wrong
How much time was wasted?
The scream and the anger we gave you
How much time we lost
With the hard time we gave you
When that time could have been spend
For that
One more smile
One more time we want to hear
YOUR voice or YOUR laugh

we feel so betrayed
we feel so alone
Because YOU are not here
But we know YOU are in a better place
And we wrong for feeling this way
BUT No one can blame us for that
because All we wanted is

One more smile
One more time we want to hear
YOUR voice or YOUR laugh

My dear Jil don’t know what you decide still in big confusion you told that if you keep on calling me I will not speak to in your entire life nu, that is why I am keep quiet my dear.

But how long I will be like this? Hate everything near to me you

Miss you badly my dear.

When you will forgive me?

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