Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why This Sorrow Behind The Happiness?

Why this sorrow behind the happiness?
Life went so smooth
Why this sudden the highest m
oments of happiness
and sorrow came to cross my way of life?
I enjoyed the happiest moment you gave in my life.
But why I can’t I accept the sorrow you are giving me now?
The human mind is asking only happines
s in life
Not sorrow right?

Absolutely it’s correct!
I am an normal human being, I too like only happy moments
in my life not sorrows, and then first time I am feeling this pain in my life da. I don’t know this will tear heart like this. How many hurts, tears, mind blowing words came out from your mouth, I never been cried like this in my life. That’s why god giving this pleasant surprise to me to make cry.

"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"
- And this is called ATTITUDE...

I too faced lot of problems in my life and I face bravely with confidence to solve the problems whatever it may be. But why I don’t have strength to solve this problem?
Why I am getting tears? Why I am crying? This a power behind you? I know very well that you gave me lot of chances to me to change my attitude, but I never seen that your anger behind the silence, when ever you cry for whatever problems my heart will tear and I too get
tears in my eyes, like that me why my self make you to cry? Why I done this sin to you da? I don’t have any answer for you questions. Why this happened to me why I done these things to you? pathetically don’t know.
Do you know what is happening every morning?:
Every morning when I woke up first thing is coming in mind is you are not with me and you are on angry with me. This will make me cry from the day starts, every morning I woke up w
ith tears only. When this sorrow will leave me and when you will talk to me?


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